
This resource centre provides links to information, sites and videos to support science centres and museums on their journey to becoming a fully accessible social space. Here you will find tools, case studies, guides and links to further information to support you and your colleagues.

Valuing inclusion Theory of Change

This Theory of Change defines, guides, supports and provides evidence for meaningful practice in values-led, inclusive science engagement within the Informal Science Learning sector. 

Inspirational stories

Part of the evidence for the valuing inclusion Theory of Change, ASDC interviewed people who have been inspired to work in science as a result of visiting one of the UK's science centres or museums. These stories capture the awe and wonder that has stayed with them throughout their lives, shaping and influencing their careers. 

The Equity Compass

A framework to reflect on current methods of working and develop more equitable practice

Stop, look and listen

An animated guide to equitable collaborations with community partners

Inclusion Handbook

The Inclusion handbook has been created as part of the legacy of the EYU4 project, run by ASDC.

Changing Places: A practical guide

Standard accessible toilets do not meet the needs of all disabled people

Lightyear Foundation

Breaking down barriers to disabled children taking part in STEM

The Inclusion Wheel

The Inclusion Wheel is a tool for organisation reflection

Our Museum

Organisational changes for participatory community engagement